Hi Times has been a registered kennel with the Canadian Kennel Club since
1992. It began as a kennel of top quality Boxers bred by Joan Carcasole, and later joined by her eldest daughter, Ashley Carcasole.
After much success in the boxer ring, Joan purchased her first Japanese
Chin, Am/Cnd. Ch. Touches Boy Toy for HiTimes (Yoshi) and Ashley became invloved with Pomeranians.
All our dogs and puppies are raised in our homes with lots of love and
attention. Joan is located 5 minutes south of Calgary, and Ashley is located in south Calgary.
For information on our Japanese Chin or our Boxers, please contact Joan
at hitimesbxrs@shaw.ca or at 403.251.0842
For information on our Pomeranians, please contact Ashley at hitimestoys@shaw.ca or at 403.607.8185